Basket (0)
The PPA e-store web application uses the following cookies:
Origin Cookie name Purpose Duration
1st party cookie SessionId This allows users to be recognized on the website. Session cookie remains active until the browser is closed
1st party cookie __REQUESTVALIDATIONTOKEN Protection against XSS attacks. Session cookie remains active until the browser is closed
1st party cookie AppCookie There may be more cookies according to url_identifier (Authentication in several shops). It allows checking if the user is logged in. Session cookie remains active until the browser is closed
1st party cookie LangCookie The shop's default language. one month
1st party cookie StoreData There may be more cookies according to url_identifier (Authentication in several shops). It contains a basket code per registered users. one month

The PPA e-store web application uses cookies, which enable a website to function better. Cookies are used for no other purposes than those stated above.

Last modified: 10. 6. 2020